Friday, May 30, 2008

Spirtual Gifts Inventory

For our small group we were asked to take a spiritual gifts survey. Since we are a fairly new group it would be good to know where we have gifts and how to better use them. So, I took mine last night, its a 98 page questionnaire that asks you how you feel about certain statements and if it is true about you. Then it asks you to add up your score and choose the top 3 numbers, and those are your top 3 areas of giftedness.

Here are mine (and a short description of each), and I was a tad surprised, but the more I think about it, the more I might tend to agree:

Teaching (19 points) - Like to research mounds of information and then simplify, help to apply to lives of listeners. Unlike prophesy not just interested in conviction but also instruction. Spiritually gifted teachers appeal to the will as well as the mind. Has a thirst for knowledge, a thirst for God's will and word, they are focused on changing lives with the Word, burdened to help people understand truth, usually like groups, feel "if only the people understood-they would obey because it makes sense".

Craftsmanship (18 points)
- Excellent detail oriented, hands-on kinds of people. Handy with tools and usually have the tools. Derive a sense of fulfillment through seeing tangible resources made available to the ministries.

Administration (16 points)
- Observers of systems and strategies; then they want to execute the best procedures, organized and efficient. They are the ones who take responsibility for attaining the goals articulated by the leaders--once the goal is set they set the procedures to reach them.

Its funny because my top 2 "gifts" are things I don't feel very adequate in. Administration, I can handle that, but teaching and craftsmanship? I wonder though, the more I think about those 2 things, are a teacher and a craftsman ever satisfied with their work, or are they always reminded of what they did wrong along the way, striving for mistake elimination?

Sometimes I can work on a project and have put a lot of time and effort in, but some part of me always harps on the the things I did wrong so that I can do better next time. Next time your at our house, ask me about the backsplash tiling job, or the wiring for the under cabinet lights, oh, and the 3 ceiling fans I just hung, all look great (so I am told) but all the errors scream at me.

just a little insight for a change...

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