Friday, February 29, 2008

2/28/2008 (THU) - RUN

This will be my final long run before the race. Things went pretty well, though again, I mapped out a route that I had not driven and faced some of the longest hills to this point. For some reason, I think a region is fairly flat, where this is just not the case. I hope these hill will better prepare me for the race!

My next couple runs will be for pace, I'll try to shave 30 to 60 seconds off my mile time to get my legs used to running a little faster.

My muscles are pretty sore today (Advil worthy sore). I am also, .8 miles shy of the course, and I think I could have run that .8 miles in less then 8 minutes, so I think I can beat my goal for 2 hours! This is of course still a disappointing 20 minutes slower than my last stint in the CR...

Run: Temperature was 28, Sunny but Cold and WINDY
12.35 Miles
111:28 Minutes (1:51:28) - 9:02mile avg

Total Miles 2008: 72.90 Miles

Sunday, February 24, 2008

2/23/2008 (SAT) - RUN

This was the one big one that was mandatory for me to get in before the race. 15 days until race day and I figured, it better happen soon!

Run: Temperature was 30, Overcast and COLD
10.22 Miles
93:19 Minutes - 9:08 mile avg

Total Miles 2008: 60.55 Miles

I thank Natalia for encouraging me to get my butt out there and run. I did NOT want to go out and do this, especially after spending the morning in Harrisburg at the Horseworld Expo. But I knew I had to do it Sat or Sunday and the best day happened to be Sat, but it was getting late! I started my run at 4pm after mapping out a 5.1 mile leg out. Unfortunately the leg out included many roads I had never even driven on, and much to my dismay, what I assumed to be fairly flat ground was RATHER hilly ground. But hey, what else would you expect, right?!

My first mile was painful and slow (9:30), not to mention discouraging, but things only got better from there. After about 2 miles, my overdressing resulted in being rather soaked in sweat, which made the cold wind, rather cold. But once I hit that turn around point, I felt great. The pain in my shins lasted about my first 3/4 miles, and didn't hurt again. In fact, the rest of the run was rather pain free, though I am finding it hard to push myself because of what I feel is a real lack of strength in my shins. This might have something to do with building up my distance too fast.

All in all, when I was done I felt GREAT. Even today, one day later, I feel sore, but pretty good. Advil might have to get me through the next 14 days, but heck, bring it on. I hope to get one more long run in before the race, so wish me luck!! My pace seems pretty pushed at about 9 minute miles so I am not sure I will do much better than that (might of course do much worse!), so if I can keep it around 9 minutes, I'll take it.

2/20/2008 - RUN

This was a "stay loose" short run. After 8 miles on monday I wanted to give my muscles a chance to stretch out a little and run at a bit faster of a pace. Unfortunately after the 8 mile run, my shins have been getting the better of me. It takes about 1/2 mile of running to get them to stop, but the first couple steps are usually pretty painful. Once I get into it though, things seem OK.

Run: Temperature was 31, Sunny.
1.75 Miles
14:06 Minutes - 8:04 mile avg

Total Miles 2008: 50.33 Miles

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

2/18/2008 (Mon) - RUN

What a day, we were pleasantly surprised with a 60 degree day with sun and a breeze! What a great day for a long run I figured!

I trekked out after work, I noticed that it had gotten cloudy. I checked the temperature and man, it had dropped all the way down to 51 and the wind picked up. No big deal, I figured the cold front was probably on its way in. I was planning to run about 8 miles so I knew I would be out long. I grabbed my ear muff things (which also help to keep my ear buds in) and headed out.

Things were going well, it was getting windy though and after about 2 miles I felt a couple drops of rain. Over the next half mile conditions began to worsen as it got colder, windier, and the rain picked up. By mile 3, it was pouring and blowing! It was interesting to say the least, but I kept going. What the heck, I was 3 miles from home, might as well go one more before I head back. So, off I went. By mile 4 my legs were starting to tighten up, I think because of the cold weather and rain, plus it was getting hard to see. Surely this rain had to at least slow down. I think it was motivating me to run a bit faster though.

At about mile 5 and half, my iPod shuffle went out. ARRGHHH. The battery was on the low side when I left, but it hadn't failed me yet. But then things started to turn around. The rain almost stopped, and I had a about 2 miles of gradual downhill to go before the final HELL mile, which consists of two HELL hills. Oh, and my Shuffle came back on! So I was cruising along and it was time for the last mile.

Hell Hill #1, just a brutal winding, probably quarter mile uphill, of which you can't even see the top. Rodney Adkins "If Your Going Through Hell" came on. I took it step by step and made it up no problem, maybe I am actually getting in some shape! But my work wasn't over, I had the final hell hill #2. After feeling pretty good about hell hill #1, I got into my neighborhood, 3/4 mile to go. The rain kicked up, the wind kicked up, and I basically could hardly see as water poured into my eyes. I hit the bottom of hell hill #2 and looked up and decided to attack it. At this point my legs were pretty heavy after running the first 7 miles so attacking it from an outsiders view might have looked quite laughable, not to mention the fool running in the pouring rain and wind persona I was exuding.

Up the hill, Jason Mraz helped me (which song, I can't recall). But I got up and had just one last big downhill and home free! Good news, I made it, soaked to the bone. So far, no sickness!

To me, this felt like a battle! I am glad I stuck it out and ran pretty well in the face of my perceived adversity. My pace is on track for the "less improved and slower rick" and if I can beat 9 minute miles, I think I will be happy with that (though I won't admit it out loud).

Run: Temperature was 51 when I started 42 when I finished, Heavy Rain and Wind.
8.18 Miles
71:50 Minutes - 8:47 mile avg

Total Miles 2008: 48.58 Miles

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Weekend to Remember

This weekend Natalia and I attended a Marriage Retreat/Conference. It was called a "weekend to remember".

It was certainly a weekend to remember. It was PACKED full of great information and high emotion. Not only was it GREAT to get away for the weekend (Hershey, PA) , but some very valuable information was shared.

I would HIGHLY recommend to anyone looking for a weekend away with your spouse to find one of these. Whether your marriage is in top notch shape or packed with issues, this conference is going to add value. If you have any more specific questions about it, let me know, I'd be happy to share!

2/14/2008 (Thu) - RUN

For whatever reason, I decided to finally get a long run in! I was shooting for 6 miles and before I left I charted a 6 mile course and a 6.8 mile course. I was going to make a decision on the fly as to which I would choose based on how I felt.

I had run most of this route before so I knew the first 3 miles was basically a gradual uphill with a few steep descends in the first mile. However, this meant a nice breezy way home until the last mile, which had some NASTY uphill climbs. I felt great the whole way and things are looking good!

Off to Hershey for the weekend for a "Weekend to Remember". Hope to get a run in on Monday.

Run: Temperature was 31, Sunny Cold and WINDY (again).
6.82 Miles
60:53 Minutes - 8:56 mile avg

Total Miles 2008: 40.40 Miles

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

2/11/2008 (Mon) - Exploratory RUN

It was friggin COLD on this run. At one point toward the end of my run I was convinced I had lost an extremity. Luckily I didn't!

Went out for a run in a new direction and actually felt pretty darn good. I was not that concerned with my pace as I was with making sure my face was not freezing off.

Run: Temperature was 12 (YES, TWELVE!) degrees, and sunny.
3.43 Miles
31:17 Minutes - 9:07 mile avg

Total Miles 2008: 33.58 Miles

2/8/2008 (Thu) - RUN

Great run this day. Legs felt great, pace felt decent.

Run: Temperature was 40 degrees, and sunny.
4.10 Miles
35:54 Minutes - 8:45 mile avg

Total Miles 2008: 30.15 Miles