Sunday, February 24, 2008

2/23/2008 (SAT) - RUN

This was the one big one that was mandatory for me to get in before the race. 15 days until race day and I figured, it better happen soon!

Run: Temperature was 30, Overcast and COLD
10.22 Miles
93:19 Minutes - 9:08 mile avg

Total Miles 2008: 60.55 Miles

I thank Natalia for encouraging me to get my butt out there and run. I did NOT want to go out and do this, especially after spending the morning in Harrisburg at the Horseworld Expo. But I knew I had to do it Sat or Sunday and the best day happened to be Sat, but it was getting late! I started my run at 4pm after mapping out a 5.1 mile leg out. Unfortunately the leg out included many roads I had never even driven on, and much to my dismay, what I assumed to be fairly flat ground was RATHER hilly ground. But hey, what else would you expect, right?!

My first mile was painful and slow (9:30), not to mention discouraging, but things only got better from there. After about 2 miles, my overdressing resulted in being rather soaked in sweat, which made the cold wind, rather cold. But once I hit that turn around point, I felt great. The pain in my shins lasted about my first 3/4 miles, and didn't hurt again. In fact, the rest of the run was rather pain free, though I am finding it hard to push myself because of what I feel is a real lack of strength in my shins. This might have something to do with building up my distance too fast.

All in all, when I was done I felt GREAT. Even today, one day later, I feel sore, but pretty good. Advil might have to get me through the next 14 days, but heck, bring it on. I hope to get one more long run in before the race, so wish me luck!! My pace seems pretty pushed at about 9 minute miles so I am not sure I will do much better than that (might of course do much worse!), so if I can keep it around 9 minutes, I'll take it.

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