Tuesday, March 4, 2008

3/4/2008 (TUES) - TEMPO RUN

It was warm out!

Ok, final big run before the big race on Sunday. I was going for tempo here, really trying to cut down on my 9 minute miles, 30-60 seconds and I think I achieved it. It was warm and windy and cloudy today, but who can complain about 60 degrees! I pushed myself pretty good most of the way on this fairly flat and short course. My legs felt heavy and tired though until about the last mile (isn't that always how it is?)

I was pretty pleased with the results though:

Run: Temperature was 60, cloudy and windy
5.56 Miles
44:48 Minutes - 8:04 mile avg

Total Miles 2008: 84.51 Miles
So, in my 2 tempo runs I cut my mile average a good bit, just hope my legs and brain remember that pace on Sunday. Right now forecast says 41 and Sunny. That is probably the average temp I am used to running in the most so weather seems favorable. I hope they don't mind me listening to music.

I missed online registration too so I have to hike all the way into Wilmington on Friday to pick up my race packet and register ($45 grrrr). I hope to get a really short loosening up run in on Thu or Fri. Legs are pretty beat up right now with both shins hurting most of the time and my right hip sore when I sit! When I run, these ailments magically disappear though, so I can't complain too much. In a week I will be on the path to healing.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I'm highly disappointed that we haven't yet had the synopsis of the big race. Your avid readers are waiting....